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Official Selection


An almost unrecognisable Helen Mirren brings Israel's historic Prime Minister Golda Meir to vivid life showcasing a performance befitting one of the most iconic and influential political leaders of the twentieth century.

Previously played by Ingrid Bergman and Anne Bancroft, Mirren vanishes into her role portraying the embattled PM who is faced with the potential of Israel's complete destruction, in this tense clock ticking thriller, Meir must navigate overwhelming odds, a sceptical cabinet and a complex relationship with U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (Liev Schreiber) as millions of lives hang in the balance during the tense period of the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

Mirren remains the nerve centre of this biopic, further cementing her as a true icon of the acting profession, giving it all to profile a key figure whose tough leadership and compassion would ultimately decide the fate of her nation.

2022 | 100 min | UK | Drama
Director: Guy Nattiv
Cast: Helen Mirren, Liev Schreiber, Camille Cottin, Ellie Piercy, Ed Stoppard
Language: English and Hebrew with English subtitles
Helen Mirren makes a commanding Golda Meir
The Hollywood Reporter

Festivals and Awards

Special Gala, Berlin International Film Festival 2023
Jerusalem Film Festival 2023