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Official Selection
The Trouble with Jessica
Australian Premiere

The Trouble with Jessica

A whip smart black comedy satirising the British middle classes, examining their hopes, dreams, duplicities and hypocrisies.

Sarah and Tom are in terrible financial trouble. On the brink of losing everything, they’ve managed to find a buyer for their stylish London home. When their best friends Richard and Beth come round for a final dinner, an uninvited old friend, Jessica, tags along.

After a seemingly trivial argument and a tragic event, the couples must work together to make it out of a nightmare dinner party scenario. If they are clever enough about it, what could possibly go wrong? They might even learn something about themselves in the process.

Written and directed by Matt Winn, this playful pun on Hitchcock’s The Trouble with Harry features a brilliant ensemble cast including Rufus Sewell, Olivia Williams, Alan Tudyk, and Indira Varma, and showcases a darkly comedic take on a deadly dinner party.

2023 | 2023 | UK | Black Comedy
Director: Matt Winn
Cast: Indira Varma, Alan Tudyk, Rufus Sewell, Olivia Williams, Shirley Henderson
A good mix of wry observations and spit-take worthy laugh out loud moments.
Daily Express

Festivals and Awards

Special Prize Jury Barriere, Dinard Festival du Film 2023
Public Prize, Dinard Festival du Film 2023
Cheltenham International Film Festival, 2023